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Status of
EPA's Continuous Particulate Mass (PM) Monitor
Ralph Roberson
RMB Consulting & Research, Inc.
5104 Bur Oak Circle
Raleigh, North Carolina 27612
Presented at the 1997 EPRI CEM Users
Group Meeting
Denver, Colorado
May 14-16, 1997
Introduction and Overview
On April 19, 1996, EPA's Office of Solid Waste (OSW)
proposed a rule in the Federal Register that
would revise the national emission standards for
hazardous waste combustors1. Among other things, the
proposed rule would require the installation and
operation of continuous particulate matter (PM) and
continuous mercury (Hg) monitors. To support the
continuous emission monitor (CEM) requirements of the
proposed rule, EPA's proposal also includes several new
CEM performance specifications: Performance Specification
11 (PS 11) -- specifications and test procedures for
particulate matter continuous monitoring systems and
Performance Specification 12 (PS 12) -- specifications
and test procedures for total mercury continuous
monitoring systems.
To develop technical support for the CEM requirements of
the proposed rule, the Agency published, in February
1996, a notice in the Federal Register
soliciting proposals from vendors that were interested in
participating in the Agency's field demonstration of
continuous PM and Hg monitors. The following six
manufacturers responded to EPA's solicitation for
continuous PM monitors: (1) Verewa, (2) Emissions SA, (3)
Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC), (4) Sigrist, (5)
Durag, and (6) Jonas, Inc. EPA's ongoing field
demonstration of continuous PM monitors began in
September 1996 and is being conducted on a hazardous
waste incinerator at the Dupont Research Facility located
in Wilmington, Delaware. The field demonstration is
scheduled to conclude in May 1997. EPA recently published
a Federal Register notice announcing the release
of interim results from its continuous PM monitor
demonstration and drawing some tentative conclusions from
those results2. The purpose of this paper is to discuss
those results and to provide comments on EPA's
preliminary conclusions.
Regulatory Significance
The electric utility industry is not directly affected by
the above-discussed EPA proposal, which would require the
installation and operation of continuous PM monitors.
However, we believe this rulemaking merits attention
because of the general implications on CEM technology,
and more importantly, because of EPA impending compliance
assurance monitoring rule (CAM). EPA's CAM rule is well
beyond the scope of this paper. However, suffice it to
say we believe the CAM rule, when finalized, will require
all utilities that have plants with enforceable
particulate emission limits to periodically make a
declaration that their plants were either in continuous
or intermittent compliance with those particulate
emission limits. We believe that a reliable and accurate
continuous PM monitor could be one of several
technological options available to the utility industry
to make such determinations and declarations.
EPA's Initial (1995) Field Test Programs
Prior to the initiation of its current field
demonstration program, EPA conducted two additional, but
limited, field test programs of continuous PM monitors.
In 1995, test programs were conducted at (1) a Rollins
hazardous waste incinerator, located in Bridgeport, New
Jersey and (2) a LaFarge cement kiln, which co-fires
hazardous waste and is located in Fredonia, Kansas.
The Rollins Tests
According to EPA, the objectives of the Rollins tests
were (1) to determine if technical information could be
developed to support CEM vendor claims that continuous PM
monitors could be used to assess compliance with emission
standards and (2) to obtain field experience that would
be useful in designing future field testing programs.
Three devices were tested at Rollins: a Sick RM2000
light-scattering instrument, a BHA CPM1000 time dependant
optical transmission instrument, and an Emissions SA Beta
5M beta-gauge instrument. There were a number of problems
with the field tests that make quantitative comparisons
of the Rollins data to other field results difficult. For
example, valid instrument calibrations could not be
developed because reference method test data could be
obtained for only two particulate concentrations. Also,
the range of particulate emissions during testing was
less than one-third of EPA's proposed PM standard for
hazardous waste combustors, and only eight valid
reference method tests could be performed. Fortunately,
or unfortunately, the results from Rollins do confirm
that light sensitive continuous PM monitors, such as
light-scattering and time dependent optical transmission
instruments, have a step function increase in their
responses when entrained water droplets are present in
the flue gas.
The LaFarge Tests
A second field test program was conducted at a LaFarge
cement kiln during May 1995. EPA's stated purpose for the
LaFarge tests was to conduct a full calibration of the
instruments in accordance with the International
Standards Organization specification (i.e., ISO 10155) to
assess further whether continuous PM monitors could be
used to determine compliance with particulate emission
limitations and to determine if ISO 10155 could be used
as a basis for the Agency's proposed continuous PM
monitor performance specification.
Two instruments were tested at LaFarge: the Sick RM200,
which was also tested at Rollins, and an ESC P5A. The
measurement principle of both instruments is light
scattering. EPA was able to calibrate both instruments by
obtaining a total of nine reference method runs. The runs
were conducted at three different PM concentrations. EPA
could draw the following conclusions from the LaFarge
Response of the instruments to changing PM
concentrations was better than for the Rollins tests.
The ISO specifications could be used as a basis for
developing performance specifications; however, the
LaFarge tests do not meet the statistical criteria of ISO
The current PM reference method (i.e., EPA Method
5) exhibits significant variability when measuring low PM
concentrations, primarily because of probe washing
requirements and the difficulty in filter recovery.
EPA's Ongoing Field Demonstration
As previously stated, EPA's ongoing field demonstration
began in September 1996 and is being conducted on a
hazardous waste incinerator at the Dupont Research
Facility located in Wilmington, Delaware.
Description of the Dupont Test Site
Of the three types of facilities affected by the proposed
requirement to install and operate continuous PM monitors
(i.e., incinerators, cement kilns, and light-weight
aggregate kilns), EPA selected an incinerator because
incinerators tend to burn a wide variety of waste as
their primary feedstock. EPA believes a wide variation in
feedstock is most likely to result in PM emissions with
highly variable characteristics, which, in turn,
represents the most challenging tests for continuous PM
monitors. Also, hazardous waste incinerators tend to
utilize wet scrubbers, which result in flue gases with
high moisture concentrations - yet an additional
challenge for continuous PM monitors.
EPA decided to conduct its long-term field demonstration
at the Dupont facility because:
Dupont was not only willing to participate but was
willing to make necessary modifications to the site to
facilitate the demonstration.
The incinerator is equipped with a sampling
platform capable of supporting six continuous PM monitors
as well as the equipment and personnel required to
conduct the reference method testing.
The incinerator receives many different types of
waste from a number of Dupont facilities and has the
capacity to burn many waste streams simultaneously.
The Dupont incinerator uses a ram feeder for solid waste,
a cylindrical chute for batched waste material, and also
has a Trane Thermal liquid/gas waste burner. The Dupont
incinerator is equipped with a series of air pollution
control technologies including an afterburner, spray
dryer, venturi scrubber, neutralizing absorber,
chevron-type mist eliminator and finally an
electro-dynamic venturi (EDV). The EDV exhausts through a
steel stack approximately 110 feet in height and 4 feet
in diameter at the location of the continuous PM
Continuous PM Monitors Tested
The six continuous PM monitors being tested at the Dupont
incinerator represent three different measurement
technologies: light-scattering, beta gauge, and acoustic
energy. Each technology and continuous PM monitor is
described below.
Verewa. The Verewa continuous PM monitor
extracts a sample from the stack under isokinetic
conditions at a nominal stack flow rate. However,
isokinetic sampling normally is not maintained as stack
flow changes. The stack sample is diluted for high dust
loadings (>200 mg/dscm) or if the stack gas is wet or
saturated, otherwise, it is measured directly without
dilution. The sample passes through a heated probe and
sample line and is collected on a filter. A filter tape
mechanism allows long duration operation and positions
the filter in either a "measurement" or
"sample" location. In the
"measurement" location, the attenuation of beta
particles from a carbon-14 source is measured. Each
filter location used for sampling is measured before and
after sampling: the difference between these two
measurements is proportional to the mass of particulate
sampled. According to Verewa, attenuation of the beta
particles is minimally sensitive to the composition of
the particulate, thus site-specific calibrations should
not generally be necessary. The sampled gas is dried and
the flow rate measured, thus allowing reporting on a dscm
basis. The instrument uses a dual source/detector
arrangement to allow measurement of the previous sample
while acquiring the current sample. Zero and span
calibration checks are carried out at programmable
intervals. The zero check is performed by measuring the
same location on the filter tape twice, in succession,
without collecting a sample. The span calibration is
checked using a radiation attenuator inserted into the
measurement beam. A typical sample requires 5 minutes to
collect, 2 minutes to perform the blank filter
measurement, 2 minutes to measure the loaded filter, and
about 1 minute of tape transport time. Using the dual
source/detector configuration, measurements are typically
reported every 7.5 minutes. These times are programmable,
however, so different sample and reporting times can be
obtained depending on the sample loading.
Emissions SA. The Emissions SA Beta 5M
uses a heated sampling probe to obtain an isokinetic
sample, and isokinetic sampling is maintained
automatically. The sample is collected on a filter which,
at the end of the sampling period is moved, by means of a
continuous filter tape mechanism, to a measurement
location between a carbon 14 beta particle source and a
detector. The beta transmission through each blank filter
is determined before sampling begins. The sampling
duration is programmable and determines the mass
concentration detection limit. At high PM concentrations,
sampling time is kept short to prevent sampling excessive
amounts of particulate, and is usually set at 2 minutes
for typical applications. Analysis takes 6 minutes, and
thus a measurement is made every 8 minutes. At the end of
each sampling period, the probe nozzle is temporarily
closed, opened, and closed again in order to re-entrain
any particulate that may have deposited in the probe.
Environmental Systems Corporation. ESC's
model P5A light scattering monitor monitors the back
scattered light (180o) from an infrared light emitting
diode (LED). The instrument is said to have a nearly
constant response to particles in the 0.1 to 10 micron
range and a measurement range of 0.0005 to 8 gr/dscf. The
probe volume is located 4.5 inches from the end of a
probe containing both the transmitting and receiving
optics that is inserted into the flow through a standard
flange. The probe is purged with air to keep the optics
clean. Only one point of access to the stack is required.
The instrument automatically carries out zero and span
Sigrist. The Sigrist instrument is an
extractive light scattering monitor. This device extracts
a heated slipstream from the stack, a small portion of
which is sampled in turn and passes through a scattered
light photometer. The entire sample is then returned to
the stack. The sampling rate is set to be isokinetic at a
nominal stack flow rate, but the sampling rate is not
constantly adjusted to maintain an isokinetic rate.
Rather, a constant sampling rate is maintained. The
photometer measures the light scattered at 15 from a
incandescent bulb emitting over the range 360 to 2800 nm.
A double beam compensation measuring method is used in
which the light path is split, and the intensity of the
reference path adjusted by an attenuator to equal the
intensity of the measurement path. The amount of
adjustment necessary is the output signal. This approach
is intended to make the output independent of
fluctuations or aging in the optical and electronic
components, including the buildup of dirt on the optics.
Sigrist claims that the instrument does not experience
calibration and zero drift. Periodic cleaning and checks
with optical filters supplied with the instrument should
be performed every 6 to 12 months.
Durag. The Durag instrument is a light
scattering monitor measures the light scattered by the PM
at an angle of approximately 120 degrees. The light beam
is generated by a halogen lamp (400-700 nm) modulated at
1.2 kHz., and the sample volume is located in a region 80
to 280 mm from the stack wall. The instrument is designed
to perform automatic zero and span checks, and provides
automatic compensation for dirt on the optics, although
the optics are protected by an air purge system. Stray
light from surface reflections of the transmitted beam is
minimized through the use of a light trap mounted on the
opposite side of the stack. The instrument is normally
mounted directly on the stack wall, thus providing for an
in-situ measurement. For applications where water
droplets are expected, a hot bypass system can be
Jonas, Inc. The Jonas acoustic energy PM
monitor uses shock waves caused by the impact of
particles with a probe inserted into the flow to measure
the particulate concentration. The device counts the
number of impacts and also measures the energy of each
impact. This information, coupled with knowledge of the
flow velocity, allows calculation of the particulate
mass. Since the probe distorts the flow, changes in flow
velocity and particle size distribution will, in
principle, change the instrument response. This
instrument can also report real-time particle size
distributions; however the robustness of these
distributions has not been independently determined.
Discussion of EPA's Results to Date
The fundamental problem with EPA's proposed approach to
continuous PM monitoring continues to be the fact that
commercially available instruments, especially those that
are based on the principal of light scattering, do not
provide a direct measure of particulate mass emissions.
Of course, by direct measure, we mean that the instrument
must measure particulate mass and the volume of flue gas
from which that mass of PM was sampled. As EPA observes
in its Federal Register notice, the
characteristics of the emitted particulate matter exhibit
significant variability, and "this variability in
the particulate properties causes a varied response from
the PM CEMS2."
It is our considered opinion that the results of EPA's
continuous PM monitoring demonstration clearly document
that the technology and instrumentation are inadequate to
achieve the Agency's stated purpose (i.e., to assess
continuous compliance with particulate emission
limitations). Moreover, as we discuss in more detail
below, EPA cannot overcome this shortfall in technology
by simply relaxing PS 11.
Overview of the Field Demonstration. On
balance, we believe that EPA's experimental design for
its continuous PM monitor field demonstration is quite
good. First, the demonstration includes six individual
instruments that utilize three distinctly different
measurement principals: (1) light scattering, (2) beta
gauge, and (3) acoustic energy. Second, by conducting a
long-term (i.e., 8-9 months) field demonstration, the
Agency is able to properly evaluate the actual
operability and reliability of each continuous PM
monitor. For example, EPA is able to document how much
maintenance each instrument requires; how easy each
instrument is to service; how responsive each vendor is
to requests for service, spare part orders, etc. Also,
one would expect that over the long-term demonstration
period, the continuous PM monitors would be exposed to a
wide variety of incinerator operating conditions and
thus, challenged by a wide range in particulate
Specific Criticisms of the Field Demonstration.
Our most serious criticisms of EPA's field demonstration
of continuous PM monitors focuses on how the Agency has
characterized and interpreted the results to date. For
example, in the Federal Register notice, EPA
characterizes the Dupont incinerator as "a
worst-case facility for this demonstration test
program2." Of course, EPA must recognize that the
probability of selecting a single hazardous waste
incinerator from a population approaching 100 units and
having that incinerator be the true worst-case unit is
very remote. Moreover, a number of other observations in
the Federal Register notice contradict EPA's
assertion of worst-case facility.
For example, EPA states that it has not been able to
conduct any tests in the presence of entrained water
droplets. This is a very important observation for
several reasons. Of course, it provides strong evidence
that the Dupont incinerator is not a worst-case facility.
More importantly, the absence of water droplets makes it
impossible to evaluate just how the various instruments
would respond to such conditions. The statement that
light scattering devices "see" water droplets
as particulate matter should be irrefutable. We had hoped
that this field demonstration would provide definitive
quantification to the degree of interference a facility
can expect from entrained moisture. We suspect the impact
of entrained water droplets on the performance of beta
gauge instruments is less well known than for instruments
that utilize light scattering. Even if it can be
postulated that entrained water droplets have little
effect on a beta gauge instrument's ability to measure,
clearly the presence of water droplets can be problematic
for the extractive sampling probe as well as for the
filter paper substrates. Given the number of hazardous
waste incinerators that are equipped with wet air
pollution control devices, we do not believe a field
demonstration of continuous PM monitors can be complete
without evaluating the impact of entrained water droplets
on the performance of the instruments.
Another problem observed by EPA is the inability of the
Dupont incinerator to emit particulate matter at or above
its permitted limit of 0.08 gr/dscf. We realize this
causes some difficulty given that two of the statistical
criteria (confidence interval and tolerance interval) in
proposed PS 11 are to be evaluated at the emission limit.
However, the fact that the Dupont incinerator stack is
dry and relatively clean makes it neither a
"worst-case facility" nor a particularly
challenging location to evaluate CEMS.
Comparison With Proposed Statistical Criteria.
Table 1 summarizes the results
presented in Table 2 of the Federal Register
notice by presenting only the results for the initial
calibration tests. Also, according to EPA's notice, the
results in Table 2, "do not include data outliers
which have been excluded from the analysis, such as
paired data outliers2." The results presented in our
Table 1 indicate that the continuous PM monitors are not
performing well, even compared to the relaxed (relative
to ISO 10155) statistical requirements of proposed PS 11.
In fact, of the 15 statistical calculations (5 monitors
times 3 tests each), only four meet the proposed criteria
of PS 11. Hopefully, EPA will not interpret these results
as a need to relax further the requirements contained in
proposed PS 11.
Our final comment on the statistics of the continuous PM
monitor demonstration deals with the y-intercept of the
various linear regressions. Table 2
tabulates the regression equations for the five
continuous PM monitors based on the equations presented
on Figures 2-46 through 2-50 of Status Report IV3. All of
these individual figures are titled, "... Cumulative
Data Base without RSD Outliers." In the regression
equations shown in our Table 2, y, the dependent variable
represents the predicted Method 5 concentration (mg/dscm)
based on x, the independent variable, which is the
response of the continuous PM monitor. While it is
encouraging that at least four of the five continuous PM
monitors have very similar slopes (the coefficients of
x), the magnitude of the y-intersect term is very
troubling. The large y-intercept is troubling because it
means that even as the response of each continuous PM
monitor approaches zero, all the regression equations
predict significant Method 5 concentrations. In fact, for
a continuous PM response of 0, these regression equations
predict Method 5 concentrations ranging from a low of
11.7 to a high of 18.9 mg/dscm.
Additional Comments on EPA's Field Demonstration
Spare Parts and Service. The discussion
in the Federal Register notice titled,
"Limitations of the Test Program" is puzzling2.
EPA states that a CEMS purchased by a facility usually
comes with a supply of spare parts. This simply is not
true; most CEMS vendors include a recommended list of
spare parts which the facility may or may not elect to
purchase. Most importantly, EPA's stated inability to
secure US-based trained service technicians speaks
volumes about the maturity of the technology and its
supporting infrastructure. The key question is, how many
instruments of each type would have to be installed in
the various geographic regions of the U.S. before the
overseas vendors could justify a network of factory
trained technicians?
Absolute Calibration Audits. In the Federal
Register notice, EPA observes that NIST does not
have traceable standards for continuous PM monitors.
Following is a quote from a Technical Memorandum we
prepared in August 19964:
" ... do not believe that EPA's proposed Appendix to
Subpart EEE - Quality Assurance Procedures for
Continuous Emissions Monitors Used for Hazardous Waste
Combustors is a realistic approach to calibration
stability. Proposed Section 5.2.2 to the Appendix defines
a procedure for conducting an absolute calibration audit
(ACA) for continuous PM monitors. The centerpiece of the
quarterly ACA are "NIST traceable calibration
standards." The problem is that there are no such
standards for the technological principles (i.e., light
scattering and beta transmissivity) most likely to be
employed as continuous PM monitors."
Clearly, we agree with EPA's observation regarding the
lack of NIST traceable standards. We are concerned about
EPA's statement in the Federal Register notice
that a German TuV version of the NIST standards (referred
to as linearity test kits), "are sufficient
substitutes for the yet to-be-developed NIST standards to
conduct ACAs2." EPA solicits comments regarding the
advisability of modifying its ACA approach, given the
fact that these linearity test kits are generally not
available to affected facilities.
Before suggesting the acceptance of a German clone of
NIST-traceable standards, we believe that EPA should
acquire some of the linearity test kits and evaluate them
in the context of the Agency's ongoing continuous PM
field demonstration project. The obvious question to
address is, how does the performance of a continuous PM
monitor determined from using a German-made linearity
test kit compare with the performance determined from the
application of EPA Method 5? Certainly EPA should provide
an answer to this important question prior to deciding to
revise its ACA approach to utilize standards that are not
NIST traceable.
Statistical Analysis. In the Federal
Register notice, EPA requests comments on its
statistical approach to data analysis, especially with
respect to the Agency's treatment of
"outliers." We support EPA's approach for
dealing with paired reference method measurements. That
is, if two concurrent Method 5 runs fail to agree within
some pre-determined tolerance, than at least one of the
tests is inaccurate, and both runs should be rejected. On
the other hand, we believe that EPA must be very careful
in rejecting responses from any of the continuous PM
monitors. We can easily argue that using any type of
statistical outlier test merely assumes away the problem.
That is, the basis of an outlier test is that all of the
observations are drawn from the same distribution, and,
because a particular observation does not fit that
distribution, it can be discarded. In reality, EPA does
not have sufficient data from any of its installed
continuous PM monitors to know that all of the
measurements are from the same distribution. Therefore,
we do not believe that EPA can or should reject responses
from continuous PM monitors on the basis of statistical
outlier tests.
Multiple Calibration Curves. In
discussing the relatively poor correlation coefficients
obtained from the regression analysis, EPA observes that
it may not be possible to develop a single calibration
curve for the Dupont incinerator that will be valid for
every operating condition2. This is the exact situation
that was predicted in our August 1996 Memo, which
"... the characteristics of the particulate
emissions are quite different at the three different mass
loading loadings (i.e., low, medium, and high). It is
easy to imagine that as the particulate mass loading
increases, there is an accompanying change in the
particle size distributions. Since most, if not all, of
the commercially available continuous PM monitors are
sensitive to particle size distribution, it is clear that
each mass loading regime needs to be characterized by a
different calibration curve. Unfortunately, PS 11
provides for only a single calibration curve - that may
reflect significant inaccuracies for different mass
loadings as particle size distributions change."
Upper Range Calibration. EPA states that
the Dupont incinerator did not emit particulate matter at
its permitted limit -- much less at twice its permitted
limit, as specified in the calibration procedures of
proposed PS 11. Since the permitted limit could not be
reached, EPA proposes to evaluate the confidence and
tolerance intervals at the highest measured PM
concentration, not at the emission limit. We believe that
this is a reasonable approach. As explained in our August
1996 Memo, requiring a source to operate at twice its
permitted emission limitation, even to conduct an
instrument calibration, is unacceptable. It is difficult
to comprehend that Dupont could not shut down enough
control equipment to exceed its particulate emission
limit. Is EPA implying that the Dupont incinerator does
not need any control equipment to comply with its
particulate emission limitation? To the contrary, we
believe that Dupont management exercised prudent judgment
and elected not to disable enough control equipment so as
to exceed its particulate emission limit -- even for the
sake of an EPA field demonstration program. Again,
referring to the our August 1996 Memo, we do not
understand how EPA believes it has authority to not only
allow, but to require a source to deliberately exceed its
emission limitation, not by a small amount but by a
factor of 2.
Summary and Conclusions
Perhaps the most obvious statement to make concerning
EPA's Federal Register notice is that the Agency
must have composed the notice based on how it
"hoped" the field demonstration would turn out
-- not on what the data actually show. Else, how does one
account for statements such as, "[d]espite this
heterogeneity of PM characteristics, most of the CEMS
were able to meet the DPS 11 data acceptance criteria
with certain outliers deleted 3." As discussed
above, of the 15 statistical calculations (5 monitors
times 3 statistical tests each) that can be conducted
with the field data, only four meet the criteria set
forth in proposed PS 11, and this is after various
"outliers" are removed.
Reliable and accurate continuous PM monitors could be
useful for both affected sources and the regulatory
community; however, the technology is simply not adequate
at this time to require for continuous compliance
determinations. This conclusion is not only supported by
the fact that EPA has proposed very broad confidence and
tolerance intervals as part of its PS 11 requirements,
but also by the results of EPA's field demonstration. EPA
should acknowledge this technology shortfall and move
forward with additional research and development - if the
Agency wishes to use PM monitors for continuous
compliance determinations. The absolute worst course of
action that EPA could pursue would be to further weaken
the already weak statistical criteria in proposed PS 11.
That is, if in response to the results of the field
demonstration, the Agency proposes to further enlarge the
acceptable widths of the confidence and tolerance
intervals, EPA will simply ensure that data from
continuous PM monitors are virtually useless.
1. 61 FR 17358. April 19, 1996. Hazardous Waste
Combustors; Revised Standards; Proposed Rule.
2. 62 FR 13775. March 21, 1997. Hazardous Waste
Combustors; Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems;
Notice of Data Availability and Request for Comments;
Proposed Rule.
3. Status Report IV: Particulate Matter CEMS
Demonstration, Volumes 1, 2, and 3. prepared by
Energy and Environmental Research Corporation for EPA's
Office of Solid Waste, dated February 12, 1997.
4. Roberson, Ralph L., "Technical Comments on EPA's
Proposed Rule to Require Continuous Particulate Matter
Monitoring," Memorandum prepared for the Utility Air
Regulatory Group, August 15, 1996.
Results for EPA's Initial Calibration Tests
Manufacturer |
Coefficient |
Interval, % |
Interval, % |
0.55 |
26 |
38 |
Verewa |
0.69 |
27 |
32* |
Durag |
0.72 |
22* |
36 |
0.71 |
22* |
36 |
Sigrist |
0.64 |
25* |
40 |
*Denotes those
values meeting the requirements of proposed PS
11. |
Regression Equations for PM Monitors
Relationship |
y = 0.79(x) + 18.7 |
Verewa |
y = 0.85(x) + 11.7 |
Durag |
y = 0.79(x) + 17.7 |
y = 1.00(x) + 14.8 |
Sigrist |
y = 0.73(x) + 18.9 |
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Last Revised: May 22, 1998